EROFT – Meditation #4

This week, I created a Meditation focusing on text / sentence generation using Tracery. I spent a couple of hours trying to follow along with a machine learning tutorial, but kept getting errors. Tracery seemed to provide a means to create a meditation that would provide users with a distinct message, using a platform within reach of my programming skills.

Using source data from TeachMideast, I created a meditation in a p5 sketch that encourages users to think on a subject and then click the screen to receive a guiding message from beyond.

In this Meditation, the guiding messages appear using Tracery in my p5 sketch. After clicking, the first part of the message revealed contains a suggestive way to receive the information and the second part will populate either an Eastern or Western proverb, which will has been categorized into either a positive group or negative group. All together, there were 26 Eastern proverbs along with corresponding Western proverbs. Those groups were broken up to include about 2/3rds negative/cautionary-learning versus 1/3rd positive/inspirational-leaning.

When the user clicks on the screen, as prompted when the sketch loads, the concatenated message containing the suggestion and the proverb appears.

Try my “Where are you?” meditation yourself here!

To see the source code and getting a little closer look on how the sausage is made in my “Where are you?” meditation look here!